Bushcraftfestivalen 2017 will be held in Gottröra Sweden during the last weekend of August, and the concept is the same; Knowledge, Inspiration and Folk Fest for the whole family... All in the name of Bushcraft. During Friday participants and visitors will start to arrive to check in and build exhibition booths. Friday night will be a kick-off for the Bushcraftfestivalen 2017 together with a lot of familiar dear faces in the business. The program of Saturday and Sunday will be filled with Speakers, workshops, Exhibitors, food, entertainment and inspiring mingle.
The 2017 Swedish Friction Fire Championship will take place during Saturday. So start practicing your fire skills now and then sign up to participate upon arrival.
New this year is that we'll be selling patches and other Bushcraftfestivalen souvenirs during the festival weekend. If you buy your ticket using the online preebuy service you'll get your patch free of charge upon arrival (only Youth and Adults).
We're looking forward seeing you this Summer!
If you haven't already; contact us today if you also want to exhibit, speak, workshop, sponsor, volontaire or in some other way contribute to the festival.
In the menu above you'll find more information about this Summer's festival.
See ya!
Photo: J. Landolsi
Photo: K. Haulin
Photo: J. Landolsi
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