Photo: Jonas Landolsi
Lars Fält is a living legend when it comes to Survival and Bushcraft. Back in 1989 Lars founded the Swedish Armed Forces Survival School (FÖS) and also during the 80's Lars, together with mr Harry Sepp and mr Stefan Källman founded the Swedish Survival Guild (SÖS). Special forces and civilians from all over the world have been training with Lars Fält as their Survival instructor and his methods a well tested in the field. Lars passion for Bushcraft has lead him along winding trails and long canoeing trips. Exciting stories and great knowledge is also to be found in his books published through the years.
Some of Lars books
Foto: Jonas Landolsi
One hour each day during the festival; Lars Fält, together with mr Juha Rankinen and mr Eric Tornblad, will sign books inside the festival's book tent (the Information Tent). So take this fantastic opportunity to meet the Legend and get your book signed. It's a great honor to have mr Lars Fält joining the Bushcraftfestivalen!
Signing sessions during the festival weekend:
Saturday 15.30-16.30
Sunday 12.00-13.00
To see the program; click HERE.
To read about tickets; click HERE.
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